Dweomerheart became its own plane in the World Tree cosmology model and was later destroyed upon the death of Mystra, in the resulting Spellplague. Mystra (Midnight), the mortal that ascended to godhood during the Time of Troubles, eventually made her divine realm a shining city called Dweomerheart and placed it atop a large plateau in Eronia.Lathander the Morninglord, God of Beginnings, Birth, Conception, Dawn, Eternal Youth, Renewal, Self-Perfection, Spring, and Vitality, maintined rosy realm of Morninglory in Elysium, which he shared with fellow deity of dawn Ushas of the Vedic pantheon.Kirith Sotheril, the elven Magess, resided in the realm of Tethridar in Amoria.Isis had a large realm in Amoria which she kept lit by lanterns in the trees and secured by patrolling moon dogs.The statue glowed, supplying her realm with light. Ishtar, the goddess of love and war in the Untheric pantheon, once had a realm in Amoria centered on a great city surrounding a half-mile (800 meter) statue of herself.Hiatea, giant nature goddess, resided in Woodhaven in Eronia.Hathor, Mulhorand's Nurturing Mother, had a realm named Succor in Amoria.Enlil, the head of the Untheric pantheon, once made his home in the mountains of Eronia.Peaceful Eldath maintained her realm, the True Grove, on Eronia.Chauntea the Great Mother and Goddess of Agriculture once lived in Elysium.There, the living and the dead existed without responsibilities, had all their needs provided for, and could not be summoned or controlled. The spirits of those who perished in the service of good and those heroes the gods chose to spare from death were rewarded by being placed on the Isles of the Blessed in Thalasia. Yggdrasil, the World Ash, extended its branches to all layers of Elysium, except Belierin.

Depending on who or what was aloft, the shade of the sky could be deep indigo to a bright cerulean at any given moment. There were no suns, moons, or stars in Elysium except those that the inhabiting Powers manifested, created by moving about in various vessels, or moving their entire realms across the skies.

Elysian pears were considered some of the best tasting fruit and were sold as far as the planar city of Sigil. Farther from the river smaller trees grew and started to thin until finally, after hundreds of miles/kilometers, the forest gave way to fertile veldt regions, vast grasslands, and eventually badlands and desert. Lands near the riverbanks were lush with pines and flowering trees that filled the air with natural perfume. Oceanus was the counterpart to the river Styx which flowed through the Lower planes except that Oceanus had only natural hazards and contained potable water. Most features of the four layers of Elysium were found on or near the banks of the river Oceanus which linked the plane with two other Upper planes: the Beastlands and Arborea.