Once ready, gamers can enjoy a brand new scoped combat experience that will ruin the original system in the best possible way. Read the instructions carefully to learn exactly how to install this mod. And finally, it's perfect for gamers who are playing Fallout 4 on a 21:9 or 32:9 monitor, since the user interface doesn't get squished as it normally would through first-person scope mode. Second, it makes scoped sniper combat far easier, more intuitive, and realistic.

Its best to use a mod manager to install. Jtrainz Increased Iron Sight Zoom Full Version. This is just an Fallout 4 icon pack, to refresh the desktop and replace these boring, default icons. Instead, aiming through a scope maintains the same third-person perspective by zooming the camera in close to the lens, while maintaining the surrounding environment in full view. My Fallout 4 Star Wars Mods Full Version. The mod works its magic by getting rid of the black fade into a full-screen scope. It creates a feeling of immersion that cannot be felt with the standard scope system in Fallout 4. Of all the weapons mods on this list, See Through Scopes is undoubtedly the best, and the coolest.